dove R dove L Conchord Singers
affiliated to making music

Welcome Leaflet 


We hope that you enjoy singing with us, and that you will want to join us. We are a friendly choir, there is no audition but an ability to follow music notation and a sense of pitch are important. We began life as a peace choir, started by local Quakers to sing peace songs, and over the years have expanded our repertoire but we remain in that tradition. We hope that this is important to you too.

How to begin

Please make sure you are introduced to Librarian Hilary Dickson to collect the music we are singing and to Trish Roscoe our Membership Secretary. She will give you a short form to complete asking for your details so that we can communicate with you with updates and other important informatiion. Your email address and telephone numbers will be shared with the whole choir, so please let Trish know if you don't wish to be on this list. Other personal information will be kept confidential to those who need to know. If you have any access needs or there is anything else we need to know about your health please let Trish know about that too.

If for some reason you need to be absent for a session, please let Jane Freeland know through the website address:


Hilary will distribute downloaded copies of certain pieces of music, and lend you library copies of other pieces, or you may choose to buy your own at a discount through the choir. If you are annotating borrowed music following Craig’s direction, please use a soft pencil so that we can easily clean the music before returning it to the library.


The choir always sings to raise money for good causes chosen by the choir, so the finances for the running of the choir rely heavily on subscriptions, which are £180 per year. Please speak to Treasurer Barbara Hodge if you have difficulty in paying.

Monthly standing orders can be set up:
£15 per month or £20 per month if you are able.
£12 per month for students.
This amount needs to be paid throughout the year.

Bank details:
Conchord Singers, Barclays Bank
Account number: 90937975
Sort code: 20 79 31

Concert dress

Black open neck shirt, black trousers for the men
Black top, black trousers or long skirt and a piece of statement jewellery for the women

Important names and committee members

Musical director   Craig Lawton
Accompanist   Chris Bluemel
Chairperson   Kaeren Harrison
Vice chairperson   Alison Spottiswoode
Treasurer:   Barbara Hodge
Librarian   Hilary Dickson
Publicity/media   Jane Freeland and Mike Wood
Secretary:  Margaret Papps
Membership secretary: Trish Roscoe